From short reviews to comprehensive critiques, Reviewing Performing Arts Taiwan offers unbiased yet penetrating perspectives to cover a wide spectrum of theater performances. Since its founding in 2011, the website has accumulatively become a database which documents the development of performing arts in Taiwan. Now, as we launch the English version with selected articles in translation, we welcome readers beyond the Mandarin-speaking world to peek into the vibrant performing arts scene of Taiwan.

Night after night, we are busy on the road, traveling around the trailing streetlight and the obscuring moonlight for that particular stagelight, where a live performance, among many others, takes its journey before our eyes. All the wise words we have heard and the things we have witnessed point to the fact that performing arts, as an art form “committed to its eventual disappearance,” are short-lived.
The late 1990s in Taiwan saw an increasing interest in performance reviews when several major newspapers (United Daily News, China Times, Liberty Times, and Min Sheng Daily) regularly or occasionally invited writers to contribute their articles.